How To Become A Member?

The Allegan County Democratic Party offers a convenient Joint Membership with the Michigan Democratic Party (MDP). One annual payment will make you an active member of both groups and you can adjust the share that each receives. Technically, being a member of the MDP and living in Allegan County makes you a voting member. But by becoming a Joint Member you are supporting statewide efforts and Democratic organizing at the grassroots level! The Allegan Dems are an all volunteer group so your financial support goes a long way.

The MDP does offer a Basic Membership plan which is free, but we encourage you to consider at least a joint membership of at least $20. A $20 joint membership will register you for a Grassroots level membership to the MDP which includes full voting rights and will ensure half of your contribution will stay right here to help organize in Allegan County. You can adjust the split if you wish to further support our local efforts. For example, a $50 joint member can be split $10 to the MDP and $40 the Allegan.

You Can Do More Than Vote

Many Allegan County residents may think of themselves as Democrats simply because they voted, volunteered, or campaigned for Democratic Party candidates, but successful campaigns are built on an ever-present foundation provided by your county party. Allegan County Dems volunteers work all year, to strengthen ties within local communities, and recruit and assist capable candidates.

6 Reasons To Join

1. Building Electoral Infrastructure
Waiting until the presidential campaign to organize means we're already behind. With a permanent organization in place, the Allegan County Democratic Party is prepared for every election. Whether it’s electing a local candidate or passing a ballot initiative, success depends on the ongoing ground game of local volunteers.

2. Spread the Message
Digital tools like our website, newsletters, and social media provide news and opportunities for action that the local community might not know about otherwise. Electronic is great but word of mouth still rules, more volunteers and participants means more opportunities for the party to share vital information about local politics.

3. Empowering Local Candidates. (Building a Strong Bench).
Gaining experience by running a local campaign is the best way to prepare a candidate for the next level. The Allegan County Democratic Party recruits and supports candidates in the all-important local elections, from School Boards to County Commissioners.

4. Leading a Grassroots Movement
Positive change in our Communities and our Country means concerned citizens becoming Involved Citizens. Rallying everyday citizens provides the people power needed to make sure our state and national leadership understand the importance of local issues, even if they don’t make headlines.

5. Opportunity at the State Party Level
Members have a voice and a vote at the annual conventions where the direction of the party is decided. Members can run for a delegate position or vote for delegates to the various bodies that define the direction of our Democratic Party. Rules, resolutions, and leadership are all determined by members.

6. Our Issues Matter
A strong County level organization means the State and even the National Democratic Party will notice us, leading to investment of staff and resources in Allegan County.